Kirkby Malzeard WI Newsletter

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December 2020 Newsletter

Anne Reid - 30 Nov 2020


Kirkby Malzeard WI Newsletter December 2020




Happy Christmas everyone. This year is going to be different for many of us, but we have many things to be thankful for. We have all had the best present we could hope for this year from the scientists  who have been working hard on a vaccine for us. There is light ahead in the tunnel. Let’s just try to keep that in mind! I hope you all find ways of making this Christmas special.

Important message from Claire, our president. We would love to have new people on the Committee, don’t be shy, send your name or suggestions to Pat Weatherer  or Marie  H please by 15th Dec.
There is a vacancy for a Treasurer. Heather is willing to help a new person get familiar with the system. Please think about volunteering.

Pauline  Bickerdike had the brilliant idea of a Christmas quiz for you all to have a go at AND there will be an actual prize, not just a virtual one! You can win a poinsettia by sending your answers to Pauline at  before 11th December. If more than one person sends in all the correct answers we will draw names out of a hat.


Village competition

Plans for the competition to decorate a window for Christmas (12-13th December) are well underway- fantastic prizes.  It’s on the leaflet that should be coming through your letterbox this week or see for more details.

Thank you to members who volunteered to deliver leaflets and judge. Please enter.  And if you can, do get out to look at the windows. And I understand there will be some village Christmas trees this year, so there will be lots to see!

Claire Walker has had an adventurous holiday this year. Read all about it in the attachment “Wild Sicily”. She has managed to travel further than most of us this year!

More  useful advice from Claire, particularly important when so many of us this year are having to shop online.

“I have just attended a virtual meeting about scams. This is more relevant now than ever before. If anyone is concerned before they buy something don’t hesitate to get in touch with me(Claire) and I am willing to help if I can. If you have already bought something and you think it was a scam, call 101, the police. Don’t be ashamed, these scammers are clever, and prey on us being in a rush or wanting the best for our relatives.
1. Google the website name and add scam at the end (eg: scam). This may show up an on-line conversation where people are talking about how much money they have lost.
2. If it is too good to be true, it probably is.”

Pam Collins has a little stall outside her house “The Conifers” to raise money for Kirkby in Bloom planting for 2021 and Ellie Renton’s wheelchair fund. She is going to offer the books and DVDs as a ‘Swap’ or a ‘donation’. There might possibly be some ‘antiques’ on a donation basis. If any members have books, DVDs or bric a brac which she can add to the stall, that would be great. Buy your Christmas presents locally!

The Scrabble group have met on Zoom for a catch up and before the November lockdown started, the Short Walking Group had a successful walk from the village with 6 walkers joining in. We hope to fit in another before Christmas- watch out for an email!

Sad news.

 I am sure that many of you will have heard that Joan Kirk has passed away. Joan was  a member of the WI for many years and was involved in many village activities and is especially remembered as being such a generous, cheerful person.

This month the raffle has been won by Susan Cooper, Janet Davies and Angela Henry. Special Christmas greetings to them.




Marie sent this cute photo of her granddaughters’s guineapig Flower waiting for Santa.


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