25 Jan 2022
Well, ACV stands for Asset of Community Value.
A local authority can list a building as an Asset of Community Value if they think the building’s main purpose has been to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community, or if it could do so in the future.
As you know, pubs are important for social wellbeing, and also for the economic wellbeing of the local area. Pubs are places for people to meet, celebrate, commiserate, sit and ponder, pop in or loiter. In villages such as ours they are essential to draw in visitors to spend their money in all local businesses.
There is ACV status on the part of the pub that is currently the subject of a planning application to turn it into housing. This ACV means the Local Authority believes the building is important for the local community and that it should remain for community use.
Pubs in rural areas are usually a risky choice for developers to turn into housing, because they are seen as important community assets and therefore planning permission is difficult. This is why such buildings are usually sold cheaply. Some developers are prepared to wait until the building collapses to collect their profit on the deal.
(Case number: 21/04657/FUL)