Minutes of meeting on Saturday 25th February 2023

14 Apr 2023

Minutes of meeting, 25th February
The next meeting will be at 10 am on Saturday 11th March in St Andrew’s Church, KM
(& 9.00 AM for any young people interested in being involved in the Youth Activities)
THANK YOU to everyone for all efforts so far.
The folders for different groups have now been shared with everyone – so you can co-ordinate with each other.
This year is a blueprint for future events, so it would be great if any contacts / templates / guidance could be saved in the google folders or sent to kirkbybusiness@gmail.com .
Please can people check and amend start/ approximate end times of events on the shared timetable.  You can either amend that directly or email the kirkbybusiness email address.
Summary of groups:
Steve reported back:
At present we should use the HPF account (tbc with Marlon)
Create a sub-group to look into sponsorship from local businesses.
Ilona reported back – she has made contact with all providers listed on the spreadsheet.
WI have kindly offered to do refreshments, which will be located on the Playing Field.
Saturday Highlights:
WI – refreshments on Playing Field
Georgette’s Caribbean street food (Sat).
Skellgill Burgers (Saturday (day and evening) and Sunday)
Ben Ellis – chocolate fountain and marshmallow kebabs
Gallones icecream (Sat and Sun)Contacts have been contacted (see spreadsheet)
Brymore hasn’t responded and Yorkshire Dales Ice cream is tbc
Jack in a Box Street Food and Thornborough Cider can’t do
Angela and Hamer are considering providing Italian food (tbc)
Vanora’s Bakery might have a stall (tbc)
Find Badass Brownies, more Street Food and Pizza contacts for Ilona (JA)
Look into power sources/generators (JA/RH)
Whittaker’s Gin to be contacted (Fiona and Nigel Robertshaw)
Black Sheep Bar (Nigel Roberstshaw co-ordinating)
Farm fest
Animal events are to be on Sunday afternoon
Helen Kitchen and Alli Kay to devise a plan for dog show (Meeting with JA on Sunday evening)
JA to talk to Jennifer Little and Jen Hurford re miniature ponies and Jennifer’s weigh in station
Try again to make contact with Young Farmers (RH)
Consider including vintage tractors in float procession (JA to email TW)
Ferrets ! (Contact Craven Arms (RH))
First Aid
Tracy – leading on this
First Aid is needed for runners
Action – Tracey W to liaise with Harvey Jones
Definitely not fun run
Harvey reported back:
Highways paperwork has been sent in. 
Public liability insurance and risk assessment is in progress – insurance has to be done through a group or body.
A licence is needed (through UK Athletics)
Harvey and Craig Michael to work on Public Liability Insurance and licencing.
Harvey to send JA copies of organisation spreadsheet and any useful templates/contacts (to be filed for future events)
Harvey/ RH to ask Ewan to identify landowners along the route
JA to send Harvey Highways contacts
Harvey to compile a list of Marshalls and to contact JA/RH if he needs more volunteers.
FUN Walk
Pat reported back:
Pat has been in contact with Trevor Holmes, Outdoor Education Centre manager.
The 4 mile walk will start from there at 9.30 am on Sunday.
The walk would be presented as a Mosaic Walk. 
There is no insurance – state that it is at own risk.
Promote car sharing (JA – website etc)
Pat to ask Trevor about using toilet facilities at ed centre and to ask if the Ed Centre wants a stall on the Saturday.
At HPF – Marlon to report back at next meeting.
History / Treasure Hunt
Action: Tony to liaise with Fiona (Scarecrow Trail) to discuss trail/map.
Kids’ Disco
Peter reported back:
The disco will now be in the school.to liaise with Karen Pickles/School to discuss times etc
Expenses will be paid  from Youth Club’s bank account – then refunded from ticket sales
Action: Peter to liaise with Karen Pickles/school re times etc
RH to discuss this at meeting with Head this week
JA to send contact details to Peter.
Tony reported back:
Tony is sourcing marquees in case we don’t get funding for fabulous ones.
Fiona and Nigel R very kindly offered to buy 4 smaller marquees (hopefully to be refunded) for stalls and ancillary music cover.
Everyone to send in suggestions if they know of marquee sources
Tony to ask Karen Pickles if the school has one / RH to ask Head
Tony to ask Alex about her marquees (JA to send Tony contact info)
Peter to ask contact at Masham Steam Rally to borrow marquees
Tracy is working on this – to report back next meeting
Media / Publicity
Jeni reported back:
Leaflets are printed and ready to go out with The Fountain mag.
There will be another leaflet drop in a month and posters.
Jeni suggested a launch in 2 weeks with a photo shoot and press coverage.
Send Press contacts to Jeni (JA)
Jeni to ask Zanne about including balloon display in photo shoot.
Nigel is a total superhero and has managed to commandeer a 40 foot curtain sider from Black Sheep Brewery, including empty barrels for stage decoration!!
This will arrive on the field at 9am on Saturday (tractor to remain on site)
Black Sheep Brewery will provide a fully stocked bar and licence (til Midnight) with canopy etc from: 12 noon – 4pm and the 6pm – Midnight on Saturday, and 11.30 – 3.30 on Sunday.
This will be located between the pavilion and the stage.
Black Sheep Brewery will pay 10% of sales after costs.
On Saturday there will be background music during the day and HFJ gig in the evening.
Nigel suggested Hyde Family Jam gig is paid for by donations (marshalls and buckets) rather than tickets.
On Sunday there will be Reeth Brass Band – party in the park. 
The trailer will be towed away at 4pm.
Confirm plans to pay for HFJ gig
Nigel to discuss more music with Emily R
Nigel to establish power source and band requirements etc
Nigel, Marlon, RH and JA to meet to confirm all logistics and plans (after meeting with Andrew Hardcastle)
Nigel to discuss sound system / lights with HFJ
JA to send note to immediate local residents re noise
(** Further point after meeting with teens on Saturday afternoon – teens to discuss Saturday afternoon music plans with Nigel)
Fiona reported back:
Fiona has made a fantastic scarecrow poster.
The scarecrow trail map could include info on : chippy, shop, Josie’s café, pottery and parking.  This will be available at a charge (funds to pay for prizes)
People outside the village can liaise with people who might have a garden in which to display a scarecrow (note about this to go on fb/website)
Prizes (3) to be given out on Sunday afternoon.
Fiona and JA to upload fabulous poster to KM website and fb hub
Fiona to liaise with Jeni to put poster on the back of the next flyer, and with Pippa to distribute the poster locally.
Fiona reported back:
Stall set up is from 9am on each day, with stalls open from 10am onwards.
Fiona has contacted a variety of quality craftspeople.
Pitch fees should be 10% of takings, to a maximum of £50, for artisans.
JA to email local groups (cc Fiona) to see who wants to do a stall
Fiona to contact metal sculpture person
WI want to do a bottle pull
Anyone to suggest stall holders (contact Fiona or kirkbybusiness@gmail.com)
Peter to send Uncle’s details (re resin)
Fiona to contact Helen Broadley re a stall (Saturday)
JA to email Joneva re candles and cc Fiona
Fiona and JA to compile a list of Saturday and Sunday stalls and note who needs equipment (tables, canopies etc)
Volunteers are needed to set up/ tidy up and to help anyone with accessibility needs to attend. (Seating also needs to be available for those who need it)
JA to do flyer for for people who might need support to get there.  (Pippa to co-ordinate distribution?)
All to ask for volunteers for this area.
Richard reported back:
A meeting with young people (Year 9 onwards) is planned for Sat afternoon (25th) – for them to be a steering group of range of activities and to work with Richard’s youth worker contact.
Update – following that meeting, the group of young people have come up with a brilliant list of activities.  This will be discussed with youth worker, who will look into possible pre-fest activities – to be discussed with Youth Club
At meeting with KM School head, RH to ask Sarah about:
Scarecrow poster to go to parents
Kids disco - timing
Maypole dancing (by kids at HPF – can school prepare children and provide maypole?)
Does school have a marquee we could borrow?
Derek reported back:
We need to establish if permission is needed from Highways for signs etc.
We need to establish options form parking locations and compile a list of marshalls.
Possible locations are: Ann Watt’s field, D& M, R&J
Action: Parking group (Derek, Pippa, JA, RH) to meet to discuss this.
Sunday at Queen’s Head
Jeni reported back:
Queen’s Head are holding a bbq / live music / karaoke from 6pm – 10pm
Jeni to confirm arrangements so we can promote this.
Coronation event
Co-ordinated by Karen Pickles – further information tbc.

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