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Our NY Councillor's monthly report

21 Aug 2023

Cllr Felicity Cunliffe-Lister Parish Report 

Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton & Dallowgill :August 2023 



Community Bus : I will keep you posted on progress with this.  


20 is Plenty :  Cllr Duncan has now issued guidance on the new policy for managing speed limits in the county. Has this been forwarded to you as a PC? In essence the 20mph policy is not changing, so if there is a high risk collision section of road (based on the number of accidents recorded over 3 years) AND if these are speed related collisions then a 20mph measure can be taken forward. There is an exception in relation to schools, which should quality for 20mph without the need for prior collisions. Running alongside this there is an ambition to review all speed limits across the county to rule out inconsistencies and, once in place, make the application for a change of speed limit quicker to process. This review will take several years. The communities that can raise funds to go towards the costs of a change of speed limit will have their application expedited 



Rural Broadband 

Following the broadband public meeting was held in July, I have written to the Secretary of State to lobby for the reintroduction of the voucher scheme to assist those who are going to be without broadband for the next two years (or so). This would cover the costs of making a connection to a satellite provider as an interim measure, before the Project Gigabit project is delivered. I have not yet had a response. I will ask Julian Smith MP to follow it up. 



Destination Management Plan 

The draft DMP is now in circulation and I have met Janet Deacon (Head of Tourism & Culture) to discuss the various recommendations that I have made. It does not yet establish Ripon and the surrounding area as a destination in its own right, but I am continuing to argue the case. Please can I urge all hospitality providers to feed back their comments on the plan, if they have not seen it or want to discuss it further please do not hesitate to contact me. 



I have not been advised of any further Highways issues, save the missing STOP at the junction on the road coming in from the Galphay direction, is this still missing? 


Planning : We have now met to discuss the two current housing developments, planning situation and concerns about the impact on drainage. I have raised this with Highways and am waiting to discuss further with the Planning department. I have also spoken to Kate Dawson about the Commuted Sums and CIL payments that might be forthcoming, I will report further on this.  


Play Area 

I have spoken to Kate Dawson about this and she recommends that an application be made for landfill tax credit – has this already been considered? I am sure that KM is more than 10 miles from Allerton Park, but this can also be access via the BIFFA award or other similar contractor schemes. She recommends you contact her if you do not have any success.  


Locality Budget 

I have been approached by the Chair of the Pre-School regarding a potential application for support from the Locality Budget, for building works. I have not heard further. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to apply to funding for any other community projects. 


Henry Jenkins 

I have met Mark Owen to discuss the application for COF funding and ways in which the Council can assist. I have fed back to him advice from the legal department and Stronger Communities departments on this.  


Youth Councils 

I waiting to hear from the Deputy Head at the Ripon Grammar School regarding progress on setting up local Youth Councils. His pupils were due to meet the Youth Engagement Officer who will be providing support with this. I attended the NY Youth Council Annual Conference this month which was very inspiring.  


NHS Dentists 

I will continue to raise my concerns with Julian Smith MP about the lack of NHS dental care in the area. I investigating the situation further to try to establish what short term solutions are available for those who are currently going without. 


Dallowgill Polling Station 

In response to a query about why the Methodist Chapel has not been used as a polling station, I have had a response from the Electoral Services Manager which I will forward separately. A review is due to be held shortly and the PC will have an opportunity to make representations about alternative polling locations. 


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