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24 Jan 2020

Reporting problems within the local area

If there is a problem within the Parish please contact the Parish Council and we will, of course, do our best to resolve it. The Clerk or any of the Councillors can be contacted by phone or e-mail, unless you wish to make us aware of anything in a formal manner, in which case you should write or e-mail the Clerk. 

If the issue is something for which we are not ourselves responsible, such as potholes, dog fouling, broken street lights etc we will contact the relevant Authority and ask them to investigate the matter and rectify it accordingly. In many cases however it is useful if, as well as informing us, you also report it directly, as sometimes, the more requests for action that are made, the quicker the matter is dealt with.

In order to help with this the following is a list of contacts covering the most common issues:

CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: There is a Police website but telephoning is the preferred method of advising them of a problem.

The emergency number is of course 999 but please use 101 under normal circumstances. PCSO Sharon Wilson (5559) is the officer currently responsible for the area which includes this Parish. If you wish to email her the address is 

HIGHWAYS ISSUES: North Yorkshire County Council have a website page where you can report potholes, damaged/missing road-signs etc and from experience this does work well. You can link it to it by clicking on this:

SNOW CLEARANCEGovernment advice on clearing public roads, footpaths etc can be viewed here:

ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE FIXED CLEANED OR CLEARED: There are a variety of matters you may wish to report including dog fouling, fly tipping, broken street lights etc etc and these may be the responsibility of either Harrogate Council or North Yorkshire Council. The simplest approach is to use this link and then select the problem from the list shown and you will then be connected to the correct Council:

Please note that Fly tipping on private land is unfortunately the problem of the landowner but they are advised to seek the advice of the Borough Council.

POWER CUTSThere is a free phone helpline - phone 105 and you will be connected automatically to the local supplier to whom you can report the problem.


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