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06 Mar 2024

Held in the Methodist Chapel, Dallowgill on Monday March 4, 2024 at 7:30PM.
The meeting was chaired by the Parish Council Chairperson Pippa Manson. The Parish Council Clerk and 9 members of the public were present.
(This meeting is an opportunity for residents of the Laverton and Dallowgill Parish to report on activities, raise issues and discuss ideas. ALL residents are welcome. This is not a Parish Council meeting, parish councillors, if attending, attend as any other resident).
  1. The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefly explained the nature of the Annual Parish Meeting, stressing that it was not a Parish Council meeting, but effectively a ‘residents meeting’ and only involved the Parish Council Chairperson as she was best placed within the community to arrange it.
  1. Discussion of items relevant to the Parish raised by residents:
  • Communication – Utilise the village facebook page to notify residents about upcoming parish council meetings in addition to the website.
  • Abandoned White Van on the moors at Roman Soldier car park– Police have been informed but won’t move it as it is on private land. Add to PC agenda to write to the land owner and the AONB.
  • Potholes around Dallowgill – Parish Council have reported and some have been repaired. Parish Council will report again.
  • Laverton bridge – Sandbags and plastic temporary barrier have been left since the bridge repair.  Parish Council to ask Highways to remove
  • Phone landlines – Copper wire has not been working in several properties.  No Parish Council action required
  • Phones - Concern that once the copper network is switched off, then if there is a power-cut there is no backup and no mobile phone signal.
  • Ditches – Parish Council need to put more pressure on Highways to get the land owners to clear the ditches. Add to the March PC agenda.
  • Gritting of the roads – Quality of the grit which is used is not effective as there is much less salt in the mix than there used to be.
  • Signpost – Missing signpost to Carlesmoor.  Parish Council to raise with Highways
  • Bridleway to Lunterstone – Missing “No Vehicular access” sign. Parish Council to raise with Highways
  • Laverton – 3 buildings with no planning permission have been built. Parish Council have raised it with the enforcement officer who is dealing with the issue.
  • Neighbourhood Plan – Interest from residents as to how it is progressing.
  • Henry Jenkins – Interest from residents as to the current situation.
  • Larch Disease – Concern regarding current outbreak. Forestry Commission is holding a meeting.
  • Emergency Planning Committee – Currently being renewed. Chair will send a draft copy to anyone who wants to see.
  • AED – Location of the AED’s. Dallowgill Outdoor Education Centre, Laverton Phone box and Kirkby Malzeard Mechanics Institute.
  • First Aid Training – Suggestion that there is a first aid training course within the parish.
  1. The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at: 20:52
Dated 5 March 2024
PARISH CLERK: Victoria Preston, 17 Cypress Gardens, Ripon, HG4 2LT (Postal enquiries only) Tel: 07725801675 Email: Agenda, along with General Privacy Notice, also available on the Parish Council website:  Facebook: @kmldpc

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