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18 Mar 2024



The meeting was held on Monday March 11th 2024 at 7.30pm in the Annex, Mechanics’ Institute, Kirkby Malzeard


The meeting was chaired by Pippa Manson, Chair of the Parish Council. Seven members of the public attended.


(This meeting is an opportunity for residents and representatives of local organisations in Kirkby Malzeard Parish to report on activities, raise issues and discuss ideas. ALL residents are welcome. This is not a Parish Council meeting, parish councillors, if attending, attend as any other resident).



1. The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefly explained the nature of the Annual Parish Meeting, stressing that it was not a Parish Council meeting, but effectively a ‘residents meeting’ and only involved the Parish Council Chairperson as she was best placed within the community to arrange it.

2. Discussion of items relevant to the Parish raised by residents:

· Shaking of houses along Main St caused by heavy lorries from near building on Laverton Road. Parish Council urged to take this matter up urgently with developers/site manager – to request speed limit for trucks. Suggested a face-to-face meeting on site takes place as soon as possible.

· Request Parish Council investigate a “lost public footpath” which led from the bend on Church Bank to the “dog graves” in Mowbray Castle woods.

· A report was received from the Kirkby WI on their wide-ranging activities in the last year. Plans were discussed for the repainting of the village bus shelter and its use a recycling centre.

· Billiards and Snooker reported their recent successes in competitions.

· The Bowls Club are playing successfully competitively and continuing with their self-help improvements to the green. More players are welcome for bowls and for quoits.

· Highside Playing Fields Association have now lost adult football and cricket teams and looking at other ways of raising income including pay per match for tennis, and use of the cricket pitch by other clubs. HPFA thanked the Parish Council for their financial support. It would be good to receive more community involvement in running the HPFA –currently undertaken by just a few people.

· Concern re one way sign on Back Lane South – still not re-erected. Parish Council asked to chase.

· A question was asked re the future of the Methodist Chapel – Jane Aksut explained the Parish Council’s plan to undertake a feasibility study on community use.

· The plan for allotments in Kirkby was discussed including the suggestion of setting up a working group to develop detailed ideas.


3. The chair thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8:25pm


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